Joyce Eberhart & Dan Luoma
Joyce Eberhart is retired from Oregon State University after 38 years in research. For most of her career she enjoyed doing research on forest mushrooms and truffles with her husband, Dan Luoma. For the last dozen years she shifted to research on pathogenic fungi, particularly Phytophthora in plant nurseries, native plant restoration sites, and forests.
Dan Luoma is a retired professor from the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State University. Dan received his B.S. in Physical Geography from the University of Oregon and received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Ecological Plant Geography from Oregon State University. Dan pursued research on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in natural and managed forests of the Pacific Northwest. He also conducted research on, and developed monitoring protocols for, commercially harvested forest mushrooms. Dan has particular expertise with those fungi that produce truffles. He has taught forest mycology through the Siskiyou Field Institute and Southern Oregon University and general mycology through OSU.